Kjersten and Danielle
Regular Day at the Office

She gets pooped on frequently. Bring your constipated baby.

  • Boobicon the Official Jeep

    Home visits in MinneSNOWta sometimes require 4 wheel drive and a sick lift.

  • Sweet Baby Cade

    Pathway 3 IBCLCs have a minimum of 500 supervised clinical hours to earn before board exam eligibility. Baby Cade sling-napped and boob-napped through so many chart reviews!

  • Dr. Sharhae to the Rescue

    Danielle has a pretty prominent tongue tie that she likes to use as a teaching model. She gets tons of cranial work from Dr. Sharhae after a long week of demonstrating exercises.

We have the best job in the world!

Helping Families
Helping Families

OLS Mascot, EBF full term nursing